How is the Net Yield calculated
The calculation of the net yield, or the profit from investing in the Node Sale, uses the following inputs:
Assumption on the Node Sale Fill Rate (what % of node have been sold)
The total rewards (in GNET) allocated to the Node Sale participants. These are the 3 types of rewards stated above.
Assumption of a GNET price (= assumption on the effective FDV)
It is to note that net yield calculation also takes the assumption that the Node Holder is active & staking the GNET received from the Node Drop, meaning the holder benefits from the Merit-Based Airdrop & the validation rewards. If the holder is non-active, net yield will be decreased as this source of reward won't be active.
Reminder: rewards are transferred from inactive to active Node Holders, as there will always be some inactive holders, the net yield will be higher for active holders.
Last updated